The Most Dangerous Cities in America
What are the most dangerous cities in the United States of America? Well, it seems that there is no definitive answer to this question, because most cities have high crime rates. Certain cities are extremely dangerous and others are moderately dangerous.
proshow producer latest version is common in some cities, including Bridgeport, Connecticut, Chesapeake Virginia, Fort Collins Colorado, Las Vegas, Nevada, Phoenix, Arizona, Sarasota Florida, Stockton California. Bridgeport is regarded as an "tough city to live in". It was previously considered as an area for minor league baseball but has now been transformed into one of the largest colleges in the United States. Numerous professional football, basketball and baseball teams reside there. While Bridgeport has made slow but steady progress in reducing its crime rate however, it is a fact that Bridgeport remains one of the cities with the highest risk in the US.
New York, Chicago and Los Angeles are the cities where the highest risk of crime live. The cities listed have the highest rates of crime in the country. Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York have the highest murder rates in the United States for rape, murder, and assault. Despite their popularity they have low rates of violence. Boston is second in murder rate in the United States.
If we move away from the big cities, we can find one city that is listed as one of the most dangerous cities to live in; Kansas City, Missouri. Kansas City is a medium-sized town with around 600,000 residents. This means that the crime rates in the city are higher than the national average. This is due to the large number of drug dealers in the area and gang members. Due to the social and political conditions that exist in Kansas City, there is the possibility that you will be involved in criminal activities in the event that you are an African American male living in Kansas City.
When you look at the most dangerous cities in America you will discover that there are many cities that aren't as dangerous as the other two. If we take a look at the murder rate per 100,000 cities, those rated as most dangerous include: New Orleans, Atlanta, Orlando, Birmingham, Fort Lauderdale, Phoenix, Saint Louis and Memphis. These cities are second in the aggravated assault rate per 100,000 if we compare them to Los Angeles, Dallas and Houston, Chicago, and Indianapolis. California, New York and New Jersey are the top three cities in terms of property crimes. If you take a look at the most risky areas to reside in, you'll see that, even though Boston, Miami, and Dallas aren't necessarily the most desirable cities to live in, they aren’t included as the top five. When we get down to it, the ranking system can be somewhat accurate when we look at the crime rate per 100,000.
In the end there are a variety of cities in the US that rank very high in their most dangerous cities within the US. These cities typically have very high murder rates and aggravated assault. However, there are also some cities with very high rates of property crime and make them dangerous for a broad variety of people. These cities have lower overall crime rates. However, it is crucial to understand how crime rates are calculated if you are looking to avoid living in dangerous cities. Let's take a look at the most dangerous US cities.